About us

1016 - Tank Storage


Greenie Positive

Greenie Positive is a startup company which launches the SPPE.

SPPE, which stands for the system for preventing petrol evaporation, is a mechanical system that helps protect the environment and save money.

It can be used in gas station tanks to reduce the amount of petrol evaporation by at least 70% and up to 95% from their storage tanks.

Regarding this reduction, environmental pollution will decrease, and the petrol stations’ income will increase.


Make the environment healthier and better for humankind, nature, and future generations.

Also, preserve petrol, save money, and increase workplace health by preventing petroleum evaporation.

Vision & Mission

Greenie Positive

Green Positive SPPE Sustainable Development GOALS


OUR Product

Greenie Positive market’s success

There are many drivers of the SPPE market’s success: environmental protection, saving money, and gasoline are the main ones.

The foremost values are reserving petrol, saving money, increasing workplace health, and decreasing environmental pollution by preventing petrol evaporation. These are all part of sustainable development goals.

  • Environment Protection
  • Saving Money
  • Saving petrol